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Panchakarma Therapy

Here we provide a full-fledged Panchakarma Theatre. Doctors are cordial and friendly staff makes the guests feel at home and comfortable. Dhara, Panchakarma, Marma Chikitsa, Pizhichil, Navarakizhi, shirolepa etc are the treatments and massages available.


Abhyangam means Oil Massage. It is done with medicated herbal oils in a synchronized manner for 45 minutes. This seven-position therapy will treat the whole body physically, mentally and emotionally while balancing the doshas. Its rhythmic motion helps to relieve joints and muscles from stiffness and helps in freeing body movements. This stimulating treatment increases blood circulation, which in turn encourages quick removal of metabolic wastes, while providing relief to diseases such as anxiety, fatigue, circulatory disorders, arthritic problems, backaches and injuries. 45 minutes massage will be followed by 15 minutes steam which allows the medicated oils to seep into the body and nourish from the inside.


Patra means leaves of medicinal plants. Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation.
Leaves of various medicinal plants which have the property of relieving pain, inflammation & stiffness and also which can rejuvenate and strengthen the joints and soft tissues and improve circulation in the afflicted parts are selected as per the condition. They are chopped into fine pieces and are fried with vatahara tailas(oils useful in relieving vata, pain and associated conditions) along with other medicaments like pieces of lemon, gratings of garlic etc. Then they are tied in a cloth in the form of a bolus.
The afflicted part having pain is given an Abhyangam(massage) for a few minutes with medicated oils. The bolus consisting of leaves and herbs is massaged on the afflicted joints or back area.
In rheumatic pains and associated swelling of the joints, Patrapinda Sweda brings relief.


Shashtika means sixty, Shali means rice, Pinda means bolus, .Sweda is sweat

SHASTIKA SHALI PINDA SWEDA involves fomentation of the body with a bolus of cooked rice. Shastika or navara, a particular kind of rice known for its nutritional value, is cooked in milk and a herbal decoction. It is used to improve muscle strength, rejuvenate and re-energize body. The treatment is also used in painful and degenerative conditions like Osteoarthritis, Myalgia, GB Syndrome, various types of Musculoskeletal ans Neuro-muscular diseases.


Sarvangadhara is one of the Purvakarma (preparatory procedures) treatments in Panchakarma, the rejuvenation and revitalization therapy. Here, warm medicated oil is squeezed over the patient’s body from a piece of cloth that is periodically dipped in a vessel containing the oil. This treatment is normally used for refreshing and relaxation of both body and head. Sarvangadhara is recommended for diseases caused by a vitiation of the Vata humour – Pakshaghata(Hemiplegia), Paralysis and Muscle spasms and other degenerative diseases that affect the muscles.


Ksheeradhara is the treatment where the lukewarm medicated milk is made to flow in a slow consistent rate over the forehead for a particular duration mostly over the glabellar region or the whole body with simultaneous soft massage. For ksheera dhara on head, a thin strip of cloth (varthi) is tied around the head just above the eyebrows. The medicated milk is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm milk is poured in to the dhara vessel placed above the forehead of the individual. Medicated milk is then made to flow in a continuous and constant stream over the starting over the glabellar region. The medicated milk flows from the forehead to the scalp and hair which is accompanied by a gentle relaxing massage. For ksheera dhara over a whole body lukewarm medicated milk is poured in a constand rate over the body by three trained therapist followed by a gentle massage. This therapy is highly beneficial for vata and pita predominant headaches, stress, insomnia and anxiety. It nourishes the skin and gives a lustrous appearance. It has proven effective in certain cases of arthritis. In certain neurological conditions especially those accompanied by burning sensation and numbness, Ksheera dhara is found to be highly beneficial. It rejuvenates and nourishes the body.

The benefits of Ksheera Dhara are for proper blood circulation of the body and relaxation of the mind, as well as lubricating the joints, relieving pain, spasms and stiffness of the muscles and joints.


‘Shiro’ means head and ‘dhara’ means pouring in stream or sprinkling. This treatment has immense impact on the nervous system. It immediately acts to calm and relax your mind and has a cleansing effect on the nerves.

It is the treatment where by the lukewarm medicated oil is made to flow in a slow constitend rate over the forehead for a particular duration mostly over the glabellar region.

Shirodhara is extremely beneficial for people suffering from imbalance of Vata and Pitta. Shirodhara not only helps to reduce stress and soothe the nervous system but it has other beneficial effects as well. It can treat insomnia, bring relief from migraines, lowers high blood pressure, decreases hair loss, reduces stress and even helps to increase mental focus and concentration.


The term kati refers to low back region. It is procedure where by medicated oil is retained for a certain period of time in the low back area. A completely sealed walled boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the kati (low back) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to becomes lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This repeated during the whole procedure. It helps in strengthening the muscles especially those in the low back region. It helps in alleviating neuronal complaints, lumbago and sciatica. The treatment is also effective in muscular spasm and inflammations in the low back region.

Benefits of kati vasti are relieves occupational tension build-ups, stiffness, spasms, pains and aches, and is very effective for sciatic pains and spodylosis.


Uro means chest or thoracic cage and Vasti means to hold(compartment which holds). In this treatment medicated oils are poured and pooled for a fixed duration of time in a compartment or a cabin constructed over the chest area using whear flour or black gram, covering the areas of heart and lungs.

Uro Vasti is highly beneficial in Painful cough, Smokers cough, Whooping Cough, in people with low respiratory immunity, who have difficulty in breathing etc. This treatment is good for heart disease, muscular chest pain, asthma, respiratory problems etc.


Janu means knee joint and Vasti means to hold(compartment which holds). It is the procedure where by the medicated oil is retained in the knee joint for a particular duration. . The completely sealed wall boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the janu (knee joint) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to become lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This repeated during the whole procedure. This therapy helps in chronic knee pain and compacts degenerative disorders. It gives strength to the supporting muscles of the knee joined. It is very effective in osteo arthritis of knee joined and in cases of ligament injuries.

Benefits of janu vasti are pain relief, relaxation of muscles, knee fluid problem, increasing circulation, lubrication of the joints, flexibility etc.


Greeva means neck region and Vasti means to hold(compartment which holds). it is the procedure in which the medicated oil is retained in the neck region for a certain period of time. The completely sealed wall boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the greeva (nape of neck) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to become lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This repeated during the whole procedure. The therapy improves circulation, muscle and connective tissue strength, lubricates the joints and promotes its flexibility. Greeva alleviates cervical spondylitis, stiff neck, sore muscles, upper back aches etc.

Benefits of greeva vasti are good for cervical spondylitis, stiff neck, sore muscles, neck pain etc.


In Udvarthanam, massage is done with the help of herbal powders. Massage is done in the seven positios in opposite direction to that of the hair follicles. Dry herbs are cleaned, dried and powdered. This powder is then heated mildly and used for massage in upward stroking. The deep massage improves the blood circulation, opens the channels and effectively stimulate the breakdown of the stored subcutaneous fact by improving the basal metabolic rate. It is effective in certain kind of skin disoders. It softens skin and exfoliates the dead skin cells, there by providing a glow to the skin. It refreshes and rejuvenates the body bringing a sense of lightness to the body. It reduces the cellulite appearance making the treatment effective in cases of obesity. It is also advised in certain arthritis conditions as well. The benefits of udvarthanam are removes the cellulite and helps in weight reduction, strengthen the muscles etc. Udvarthanam treatment is used as herbal body scrub.



Padabhyanga is Ayurvedic foot massage (Pada=foot and Abhyanga=massage) which is soothing , revitalizing, calming and balancing various disturbances of the autonomic nervous system. Ayurveda says that five marmas ( vital areas) out of 107 marmas are located in each foot. The feet are very important part in our body as it contains many nerve endings. Padabhyanga releases negative energy from these marmas. So padabhyanga is central to our health and wellbeing. Foot massage holds a sacred place in Ayurveda and Indian culture as touching the feet shows deep respect for elders.

Padabhyanga followed by Sweda Helps to calm the mind, Relaxes and revitalizes the central nervous system, Promotes quality sleep, Improves peripheral circulation, Removes fatigue of the lower limbs, Helps prevent sciatica, Removes contraction of the ligaments, vessels and muscles of the feet, Provides sturdiness to the limbs, Helps to calm and maintain the “Vata Dosha“ which, when present in excess, is regarded as the major cause of illness


Akshitarpana is an Ayurvedic procedure in which eye is filled upon with medicated oil or ghee for a certain period. A circular boundary is made with a height of about one and half inch around the eye socket by using dough of black gram(masha). Then the slightly warmed medicated ghee or oil is slowly poured in this cavity,while keeping the eyes closed. During this process the patient is asked to remain calm, motionless and open and close the eyes frequently,so that the drug may remain well in touch with eyeball.
This Panchakarma treatment will provide strength to the eyes, an essential part of good eye health. It will help in the nourishment of the eyes and also helps in more sound sleep and less wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.
This is a very beneficial treatment for the following conditions:

dryness of the eye, squint, falling of eye lashes, optic nerve atrophy, eye strain (computer work, air condition), macular degeneration, drooping of eye lid.


Nasya treatment includes instillation of luke warm medication in both the nostrils, alternately, with the help of proper instrument like dropper. This treatment cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages, allowing to breathe fully and easily again. Due to its many benefits Nasyam is a recommended remedy for congestion, allergies, sinusitis, headaches, migraine, cervical spondylosis, hair fall, premature greying of hair, rhinitis and other nasal infections.


Lepanam is the external application of medicinal paste on the body where pain associated with inflammatory condition persists. The ingredients of the paste vary according to the nature of the ailment.

Lepanam is recommended and used for people suffering from inflammatory pain and conditions. Lepam paste acts as a scrubber to the body which is used to rejuvenate blood circulation, make the skin smooth, remove skin disorders and relieve pain management, at the same time it also activates the healing and natural purifying abilities of the body.

Lepam paste helps to relieve the inflammatory diseases, to cure Eczema and Psoriasis.

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